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Shane_WHUFC 5:00 Wed Oct 18
Italian football fans
I was in Rome this weekend, and thought I'd go to Roma Napoli and have to say it was an eye opener.

They could drink and smoke in the stadium, and the most surprising thing? They actually supported their team!
They played poor, no real clear cut chances but the atmosphere for a ground half empty was one of the best I've witnessed. They had flares/smoke bombs and dozens of massive flags, and what was the most impressive bit, they didn't boo or go silent when Napoli took the lead. If anything, the noise increased. Attendance looked to be around 25k, not many women/kids, it was a proper atmosphere, and only €35!

This nonsense about running track, too far from the pitch is the reason for atmosphere etc is, nonsense.

Anyone else been to Stadio Olimpico/Seria A match? Was this just a one off?

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Sven Roeder 10:51 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
More Dzeko, more noise
Chelsea 2 Roma 3

Sven Roeder 10:47 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
Great left foot volley by Dzeko at Chelsea for 2-2
Roma fans making all the noise

Norman 10:45 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
You only need a few thousand to generate an atmosphere. Maybe we should have an area for fans that actually want to get behind the team and generate an atmosphere

swindon hammer 10:27 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
Don't forget Thomas Repka as well.

yngwies Cat 10:27 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
I tend to learn towards to AC Pissa

White Pony 9:51 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
comma - yep, Batigol, Rui Costa and Toldo. Was a proper team that.

OccupyGreenStreet 9:49 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
Atmosphere's generally good because the hard core fans run things, taking in flares, flags. Some of the Lazio Curva Nord displays are awesome. The Curvas are generally bouncing, unless there's a boycott, and the fans that want to sit down just get tickets outside the Curva.

Been to Lazio, Milan and Bari, all huge stadia and far from the pitch, and yet good atmosphere.

, 9:49 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans

White Pony 9:45 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
*a regular at Fiorentina

White Pony 9:44 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
I was a Fiorentina for a season back in the 90s. Brilliant atmosphere, and yes proper, passionate support.

yngwies Cat 9:39 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
West Ham Ultras, smoke bombs and flares? (not the Lionel's..thank the Lord.)

I'm happy at the next level with my popcorn and Binoculars thanks.

BulphanIron 9:05 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
At the end of the day the bods that make up the majority of West Ham's "home" crowd just ain't going to make an atmosphere.

Completely different clientele to Italian clubs...

ironsofcanada 8:36 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
Been to a number of international games at athletics/Canadian football stadium. A lot of time it wasn't that full but when you had side like Mexico there, even with just immigrant fans and a tiny travelling support, there was a huge atmosphere. (Even with the running track.)

mattyolmes 8:33 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
Nasty business and no mistake

Mart O 8:23 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
"rear gassed" ???

Dirty eyetie bastards.

mattyolmes 8:20 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
Must have had*
Not must be bad

mattyolmes 8:19 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
I went to this game about 20 yrs ago. It was immense

Train to Perugia. Stopped in Pisa to give locals some abuse.
Ran the gates ( or rather followed in the nutters who broke the gates)
Series c1 playoff livorno Must be bad about 15000. Cremonese took about 500?

Riot gear police hanging about rear gassed the standsFlares.
Police dogs giving the players taking corners a fright.
Long train home lost 0 1 to a pen. Ffs.
Just like West Ham in some ways

Shane_WHUFC 7:54 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
Dr Moose 5:36 Wed Oct 18
Yeah, and corporate shit, but that'll never happen.

ludo21 5:44 Wed Oct 18
37k? I'd be very surprised if so.

JustAFatKevinDavies 5:45 Wed Oct 18
Ha! Alot has changed in 8 years, alot. Still a cunt though.

Norman 7:45 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
Agree Shane I went to Lazio V Empoli last year, was 2-0
To Lazio. I would say there was about 15K max there with about a 100 or so away fans but the atmosphere was still good at the other end to me where the Ultras were. People just moan and bitch about our stadium. Stop moaning and create an atmosphere like we said against Chelsea and Tottenham last year!

tnb 7:31 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
Went to Lazio v Valencia many moons ago (Sven in charge of Lazio) and the atmosphere was similar from the sounds of it. I have made the comparison before that there are stadiums abroad with similar 'drawbacks' that aren't an issue with atmosphere, although I suspect there is a cultural element here in that we're just not used to a stadium like that and so that affects expectations which then affects our performance as fans.

If we'd have finished in the top 4 last season, we would be saying it wasn't an issue. Instead, a badly managed move was followed by a largely shit season and so the self-fulfilling prophecy became a reality. I am not sure at this point that it is ever going to be possible to turn back time. Thr blame for that lies firmly with the board who had one chance to make the most of what could have been a fantastic opportunity and instead fucked it up from day one.

'We've got permission for a 64k capacity...oh no we haven't...well it's all your fault'. Do fuck off.

BRANDED 7:26 Wed Oct 18
Re: Italian football fans
yep. our fans are cunts.

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